A Perfect Day was written by Carrie Smith-Bond, also known as the author of I Love You Truly.
A Perfect Day was another hit for Bond. The story of A Perfect Day is interesting.
While traveling in California around 1909, Carrie stopped by at the Mission Inn in Riverside, California.
In her own words: “..while dressing for dinner I thought how I wished I could express my thanks to my friends in some little way, just out of the ordinary; and almost at once came the words for “A Perfect Day” . I wrote them very hurriedly; I did not have time to change a word or a sentence. I took them down and read them at the dinner that evening, then put them in my purse and thereupon forgot them.”
Three months later, while crossing the Mojave Desert she began singing a tune to the words.
A friend with her said “Carrie, you have another song, haven’t you?” To which she replied, “well, maybe I have.”
And so the song and the day lives on.